Employment Opportunites

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Current Employment & Volunteer Opportunities

The Basin School District is an equal-opportunity employer and gives preference to veterans. If you are looking for an innovative, creative teaching environment this is the place for you!!!

Administrative Opportunities: SY 2025-2026

No Positions posted at this time.  Please submit a resume and letter of interest if you would like to be considered for future positions.

Certified Teacher Opportunities: SY 2025-2026

Basin Elementary:

We are accepting applications for elementary teachers.

Email: jpilkerton@basinschools.net

Idaho City Middle/High School:

Currently have openings for:

  • Math Teacher

  • Social Studies Teacher

  • Construction Trades Teacher (CTE)

  • Science Teacher

Email: tkelly@basinschools.net

Certified Application

Certified Salary Schedule

Classified Openings SY 2025-2026

Immediate Openings for : Custodial and Bus Drivers

Classified Application

Transportation Driver (Immediate Opening)
Bus Drivers

Classified Salary Schedule

Volunteer and Paid Activities Opportunities

Girls Varsity & JV Basketball Coach
Boys JV Basketball Coach
Softball Varsity Coach: emali: Jroeber@basinschools.net
Summer Activities 
Elementary After School Clubs – Email J. Pilkerton

Application Click Here (PDF) Questions?  208-392-4183